A first for me and, as a certain someone keeps banging on about the magical properties of this pattern (Mr Walsh), I thought I’d relent and finally give one a go. No doubt he’s smirking to himself right now…
In preparation for this pattern (and regarding the front partridge hackle), I understand some prefer the hackle tied-in with it’s convex-side facing outwards, where some prefer it tied-in backwards. I see merit to both methods (the latter lending itself better to a more ‘tippy toe’ approach as detailed in Matthew Eastham’s great blog post), so I’ll just have to tie both and see which our Usk trout prefer.
For now, I’m not too ashamed to call this my first Jingler and, more specifically, tied to imitate March Browns and Brook Duns.
Hook: Partridge of Redditch Fine Dry (SLD), size #12
Thread: Semperfli Nano Silk Ultra Fine (18/0), rust
Tails: Whiting Farms Coq de Leon
Body: Polish Quills Stripped Peacock Quill, natural
Hackle: Whiting Farms Rooster, badger
Front-Hackle: English Partridge Hackle