Today we discussed (amongst other things) Atherton’s, The Fly and the Fish. A beautiful book. I spent the rest of the day thinking about Cree hackle and hare’s ear dubbing.
Atherton’s No.5, a beautiful UK March Brown (Rhithrogena germanica) imitation. This pattern is ( in John’s own words) ‘the most generally useful of the group’, however, the whole range are beautiful in design.
Tied on a Partridge of Redditch SUD, wood duck wings, Whiting Farms Hebert Miner rooster Cree hackle and tails, hare’s ear body (‘using the short speckled hairs on the ear and the pink tannish hair at the base of the ears. It should have a decided mixed “buggy” look’), and ribbed with narrow oval gold tinsel. All bound with Semperfli waxed thread.