The Klinkhamer Special needs no introduction. Developed by Hans van Klinken in the 1960s, the pattern has become known as one of the most widely used flies worldwide.
I love this pattern when fishing my home waters in South Wales, UK, and more so on the small, fast-running streams for wild brown trout. This pattern’s buoyancy, visibility and ability to bring fish up when prospecting for trout is exceptional.
In this video, I discuss the environments where I fish the pattern, the materials I use and provide a step-by-step video of its tying process.
- Hook: Fulling Mill Living Larva (1270), size 12
- Thread: Nano Silk, size 12/0 and 18/0, white
- Body: Fulling Mill Tactical Dry Fly Dub, March Brown
- Thorax: Fulling Mill Premium Select Peacock Herl, Natural, x3
- Wingpost: Fulling Mill Parapost Yarn, Fluorescent Orange, doubled over twice
- Wing: Whiting Farms Rooster, Herbert Miner, cree