In this video, I focus on the two patterns which cover two lifecycle stages of the UK’s Ephemera Danica or Mayfly. The patterns in this video can easily cover any upwing by sizing them appropriately to match the naturals of your home waters.
If you’re interested in reading more about the Active Mayfly Dun, have a look at Philip White’s brilliant book, Observation: A Fly Fisher’s Guide to Reading the Water.
Materials – CdC Mayfly Emerger
- Hook: Fulling Mill Tactical Big Bug, Size 12
- Thread: Nano Silk 18/0, White
- Shuck: Fulling Mill Ultra Dry Yarn, Pale Yellow and Krystal Flash, Pearl
- Body: Fulling Mill Tactical Dry Fly Dub, Light Cahill
- Rib: 12,0 Thread, Brown (4 Strands)
- Thorax: Fulling Mill Eco Warrior Dub, Pepperbox
- Wing: CdC, Natural, 4 Feathers
Materials – Philp White’s Active Mayfly Dun
- Hook: Fulling Mill Tatcical Big Bug, Size 12
- Thread: Nano Silk 18/0, White
- Tails and Lower Body: Pheasant Tail, Natural, 4 Fibres
- Rib and Upper Body: Fulling Mill Tactical Dry Fly Dub, Light Cahill
- Hackle: Whiting Farms Genetic Dry Fly Rooster, Cree
- Wing: Deer Hair, Olive
Further Reading
- Observation – A Flyfisher’s Guide to Reading the Water, Philip White