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Tying the CdC & Elk (2 Ways)

In this video, I tie the famous CdC and Elk, a pattern (developed by Hans Weilenmann back in the 1980s as a result of his time spent fishing in Montana) wielding CdC as an alternative to the equally famous rooster-hackled cadis imitation, the Elk-Haired Caddis.

This is a pattern that I’ve been fishing and tying for almost twenty years, and from someone who loves simplicity, there’s not a lot out there which is simpler or more effective.

Consisting of just two ingredients (excluding the thread), this pattern can be tied quickly and easily, perfect for those of us who have a last-minute trip planned or those who like to keep their fly boxes nice and simple.

As a bonus, I also tie one of Hans’ cripple variations, the Crippled CdC & Elk.

With these two patterns, it’s possible to imitate not just the obvious adult stage of the caddis, but the CdC & Elk also lends itself to imitating upwings too. As for the Crippled CdC & Elk, this is an amazing pattern in its own right for imitating a range of emerging invertebrates, not just caddis, and the inclusion of CdC gives it an amazing realism of life.

For those looking for a simple pattern with minimal materials and a super effective pattern, this one is absolutely for you.


  • CdC & Elk: Hook: Fulling Mill Ultimate Dry (size 16) and Czech Nymph (size 18)
  • Thread: Nano Silk, white, size 18/0
  • Body: 1x CdC Feather (approx. 3-4 cms long)
  • Wing: Deer Hair

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