Fly Culture Podcast – Blogs, Production Tying and the Streams of South Wales with Gareth Lewis (April 2020)

I was recently invited to join Pete Tyjas, Editor-in-Chief of Fly Culture Magazine, to chat all things fly fishing on the brilliant Fly Culture Podcast. We had a load of fun chatting fishing and fly tying, our passion for rivers and small streams, as well as my early days growing…

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Though the World Is Going to Hell in a Handbasket, Life Isn’t so Bad

Last night's rain had resulted in a day of dog walks and fly tying. The water table is so high at the moment you could spit and there'd be a flood. Yesterday, however, was a good day. Yesterday I was able to cast dry flies. Nothing targeted (as nothing was…

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This is My World

I spot her from atop a bridge, mouth white and gills flaring as she feeds on ascending Heptagenids. Every once in awhile she rises, targeting one of the hundreds of thousands of midge trapped in the surface film above her position. This is my world. Thirty-something minutes getting into position,…

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